romano beck (Rb) est.2014
an INDEPENDENT australian creative public relations agency.
Judy romano | Director
gareth beck | Director
steph hamer | general manager, strategy and people
liana sorace | general manager & Client services
ayrton woolley | account director
isabella ferraro | account director
georgia rutland | SENIOR account manager
jessica boland | account manager
mahalia mingo | account manager
shimin lim | account manager
julia alfredini | senior account executive
Gianluca toscano | senior account executive
ziba ghadamian | head of pr
Mietta walsh | chief of staff
Alexander gormly | senior account director
mel pinder | group account director
sarah kennedy | senior account manager
DARINKA HRKALOVIC | account director
imani botham | account executive
isabella moss | account executive
eliza saundry | account coordinator
kate farrell | account Executive
shakira simmons | graphic designer